005: Genetic Algorithms I
What is GAs GAs are algorithms used for heuristic 1 search and it is based on the evolutionary ideas of natural selection and genetics. The building blocks of GA was presented by John Holland in the 1960s. Terminology Chromosome Genes Genome Genotype Phenotype Crossover Mutation Fitness All living organisms consist of millions of cells, and each cell's nucleus of the organism contains the same set of one or more pairs of chromosomes . It is made up of tightly coiled DNA strings (il. 01), held by proteins called histones, which is visible - under a microscope - only when the cell is dividing by processes denominated mitoses and meioses . Living organism > Cell > Nucleus > Chromosomes > DNA The chromosome can be conceptually divided into loci (il. 02) (i.e. a fixed position on a chromosome), and for each locus , there is a gene 2 - each of which encodes a particular protein -. The complete s...